[ansible-project] Using "do until" and "with_items" together
Abhishek R.
2015-07-23 22:04:48 UTC

I'm trying to iterate over a list, and for each iteration, I need to
perform a do-until task. The task looks something like this -

- name: verify if the service is truly up
script: verify_service_status.sh {{ item.processName }}
register: initiation_status
- "{{ serviceInstanceList }}"
until: initiation_status.stdout.find("Running") != -1
retries: 2
delay: 2

- basically, the "items" are service identifiers and the "do until" task is
continually trying to find out if they are up and running by means of a
script. The issue I'm facing is with the "until" condition. I get a fatal
error when this executes, stating - error while evaluating conditional:
termination_status.sstdout.find("Stopped") != -1.

What will be the state of the registered variable for each iteration? How
should I access the stdout part of the variable registered in each

Appreciate any help in this regard.

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