[ansible-project] Including var file in playbook and pass it to role
Eugene Knoxville
2015-07-21 12:48:48 UTC

Have some troubles with including var files. What I need? I keep
authorized_keys files for each user in a separate file. For exmpl, let's
say that hostname is f22.

Playbook f22.yml:

- hosts: f22
- include: tasks/mainsoftware.yml

- /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/f22/ssh_user
- /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/f22/allow_users

- { role: ssh.role, ssh_user: "{{ ssh_user}}" , allow_users:"{{
allow_users }}" }


ssh_user: test1
ssh_user: test2


allow_users: test1 test2

ssh.role file:

- name: Creating authorized_keys file
template: src=root-keys dest=/root/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=600 owner=0

- name: Creating id_rsa file
template: src=id_rsa dest=/root/.ssh/id_rsa mode=600 owner=0 group=0

- name: sshd configuration file update
template: src=sshd_config
owner=0 group=0 mode=0644
validate='/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
when: ansible_system == "Linux"
- restart sshd

- name: Create users
user: name="{{ ssh_user }}" generate_ssh_key=no comment="{{ ssh_user }}
# with_items: "{{ ssh_user }}"

- name: Add pub files
authorized_key: user="{{ ssh_user }}" key="{{ item }}"
with_file: /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/{{ansible_hostname}}/{{ ssh_user
# with_items: "{{ ssh_user }}"

- name: add AllowUsers
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config line="AllowUsers {{ allow_users }}"
- restart sshd

- name: sshd configuration file update FreeBSD
template: src=sshd_config_free
owner=0 group=0 mode=0644
validate='/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
when: ansible_system == "FreeBSD"
- restart sshd

*After applying, I'm getting:*

<Loading Image...>

Please help :)
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Eugene Knoxville
2015-07-21 14:50:49 UTC
втПрМОк, 21 Оюля 2015 г., 15:50:57 UTC+3 пПльзПватель Eugene Knoxville
Post by Eugene Knoxville
Have some troubles with including var files. What I need? I keep
authorized_keys files for each user in a separate file. For exmpl, let's
say that hostname is f22.
- hosts: f22
- include: tasks/mainsoftware.yml
- /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/f22/ssh_user
- /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/f22/allow_users
- { role: ssh.role, ssh_user: "{{ ssh_user}}" , allow_users:"{{
allow_users }}" }
ssh_user: test1
ssh_user: test2
allow_users: test1 test2
- name: Creating authorized_keys file
template: src=root-keys dest=/root/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=600 owner=0
- name: Creating id_rsa file
template: src=id_rsa dest=/root/.ssh/id_rsa mode=600 owner=0 group=0
- name: sshd configuration file update
template: src=sshd_config
owner=0 group=0 mode=0644
validate='/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
when: ansible_system == "Linux"
- restart sshd
- name: Create users
user: name="{{ ssh_user }}" generate_ssh_key=no comment="{{ ssh_user }}
# with_items: "{{ ssh_user }}"
- name: Add pub files
authorized_key: user="{{ ssh_user }}" key="{{ item }}"
with_file: /etc/ansible/files/pub_keys/{{ansible_hostname}}/{{ ssh_user
# with_items: "{{ ssh_user }}"
- name: add AllowUsers
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config line="AllowUsers {{ allow_users }}"
- restart sshd
- name: sshd configuration file update FreeBSD
template: src=sshd_config_free
owner=0 group=0 mode=0644
validate='/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
when: ansible_system == "FreeBSD"
- restart sshd
*After applying, I'm getting:*
Please help :)
I put variables in host_vars/f22 file - and It works :)
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Eugene Knoxville
2015-07-21 14:51:53 UTC
I put vars in host_vars/f22 file - and It Works! :)
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