Vineet Naik
2015-07-10 05:46:20 UTC
I am using the pip module to install python dependencies. What I am trying
to achieve is -
To be able to define the dependencies in one of the vars_files as follows
- name: requests
virtualenv: /tmp/testvenv
- name: boto
editable: yes
- requirements: /tmp/requirements.txt
virtualenv: /tmp/anothertestenv
Basically, the fields in the above list of dicts can be any valid options
accepted by the pip module -
Those options that are not required can be omitted just like they can be
omitted when specifying the args to the module.
And then in tasks,
- name: Install using pip
pip: "{% for k, v in item.items() %}{{ k }}={{ v }} {% endfor %}"
with_items: pydeps
However, this fails with the following error:
TASK: [Install using pip]
fatal: [localhost] => A variable inserted a new parameter into the module
args. Be sure to quote variables if they contain equal signs (for example:
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
None of the fields contain an equal sign.
I have also tried the following:
- name: Install using pip
pip: >
name={{ }}
{{ 'chdir='~item.chdir if item.get('chdir') else '' }}
{{ 'virtualenv='~item.virtualenv if item.get('virtualenv') else ''
# ... and so on
with_items: pydeps
But it also fails with the same error if any of the key is missing for an
What's the correct way to do this?
I am using the pip module to install python dependencies. What I am trying
to achieve is -
To be able to define the dependencies in one of the vars_files as follows
- name: requests
virtualenv: /tmp/testvenv
- name: boto
editable: yes
- requirements: /tmp/requirements.txt
virtualenv: /tmp/anothertestenv
Basically, the fields in the above list of dicts can be any valid options
accepted by the pip module -
Those options that are not required can be omitted just like they can be
omitted when specifying the args to the module.
And then in tasks,
- name: Install using pip
pip: "{% for k, v in item.items() %}{{ k }}={{ v }} {% endfor %}"
with_items: pydeps
However, this fails with the following error:
TASK: [Install using pip]
fatal: [localhost] => A variable inserted a new parameter into the module
args. Be sure to quote variables if they contain equal signs (for example:
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
None of the fields contain an equal sign.
I have also tried the following:
- name: Install using pip
pip: >
name={{ }}
{{ 'chdir='~item.chdir if item.get('chdir') else '' }}
{{ 'virtualenv='~item.virtualenv if item.get('virtualenv') else ''
# ... and so on
with_items: pydeps
But it also fails with the same error if any of the key is missing for an
What's the correct way to do this?
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